Cole Cameron Cattle Clinic

Cole Cameron Cattle Clinic

We are excited to announce Cole Cameron will be coming to our facility on April 13th to hold a one day cattle clinic! Follow him from his clinics at Equine Affaire right to Flying K Horses for an opportunity to ride with one of the best! We will be accepting 10 riders as well as have accommodations for auditors. Lunch will be provided.
Participant Cost: $250 per rider with a $75 non refundable deposit.
Auditor Cost: $20 per auditor.

Tentative Schedule:
8AM - 8:30AM Cowboy Church
9AM - Riding will begin with basic maneuvers and flag work
12PM - Break for lunch
1PM - Resume riding with cattle work

We will open registration on February 1st to riders and auditors and will accept on a first come first serve basis. If your registration fee is not paid in full by March 13th then we will open your spot to anyone on our wait list, so don't wait to get that payment in! The $75 deposit will be due at the time of registration. Auditors can pay in advance or at the event. If you are planning to audit we still ask that you register as an auditor on the form so we can plan accordingly for lunch. The registration form will be posted to this event page on February 1st so if you're wanting this opportunity to ride then keep an eye out!

This is a very exciting opportunity and we are grateful to be able to open our facility up to such a talented horseman and offer a wonderful day of learning to our horse community!

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